ERPNext vs Dolibarr: Which is Best for SMEs in 2024?

Identifying the real enterprise resource solution will become a crucial decision in 2024. This will let you leverage the advanced technology and attain maximum revenue.

There are various ERP software options available in the market. ERPNext and Dolibarr are two options to consider if you run a small or mid-sized business.

In this article, we will learn about the core differences between ERPNext and Dolibarr.

Let’s dive in!

What are The Differences Between ERPNext And Dolibarr?

What is ERPNext?

ERPNext is a free and open-source ERP software solution from Frappe. This web-based platform comes with a comprehensive range of modules. They cover major aspects of business operations and streamline the process.

ERPNext services make modules highly intuitive, user-friendly, flexible, and scalable that caters to industry-specific needs.

ERPNext modules include:

– Financial Accounting

– HR and Payroll

– Project management


– Manufacturing

– Asset management

– Website management

– Help desk


Also Read: 7 Feasible Tips To Find a Perfect ERP Solution


What is Doliberr?

Doliberr is an all-in-one ERP and CRM software package. This open-source software are highly customizable and extensible platform. It offers a customizable solution to manage the core aspect of business operations.

Doliberr is available in both the free open-source model and the SaaS Application model.

The core modules of Doliberr are

– CRM and sales

– Human Relationship Management

– Product and Stock

– Website, CMS, and POS

– Finance and Billing

– Marketing

– Productivity

– Integration development


ERPNext Vs Dolibarr: Which is the Right Fit for Your Business in 2024?


Platform Support

ERPNext is a web-based app whereas Dolibarr is available in both web and Android app versions.


Recommended For

Both ERPnext and Doliberr cater to all the needs of small and midsized companies, freelancers, professionals, and even large companies.


Community support

ERPNext offers community support through the ERPNext community forum consisting of more than 7000 members. On the contrary, Dolibarr also has a community forum to offer support.


Customer Support

ERPNext offers support through phone, online, knowledge base, and video tutorials. On the other hand, Dolibarr offers support only through phone, online, and knowledge base.


ERPNext Solutions

Final Verdict: ERPNext or Dolibarr?


Consideration for ERPNext



– Well suited for a business that needs comprehensive and customized solutions.

– The best option for businesses in need of robust open-source and community-driven solutions.

– Offer the best user-friendly interface and responsive support system.



– Newbies can become intimidated by the configuration and installation processes. However, with the best ERPNext services things become streamlined.


Consideration For Dolibarr



– Businesses prefer a modular aspect approach based on customized needs.

– Cost-effective open-source platform with robust community support.

– Businesses that prioritize user-friendly design and ease of use.



– Some payment plug-ins and functions are obsoleted for the needs of 2024 businesses.


Need Best Advice To Pick The Right ERP Solution? Count On Our ERP Experts!


The TechClouds is one of the best ERPNext services providers. We offer an end-to-end ERP solution to brands in all niches. Want to know more? Share your query or book a free consultation today!