How to Use Color Psychology in Website Design to Your Advantage?

You probably already understand that different colors can evoke various emotions and meanings, even if you haven’t done any research on the subject of color psychology.

Your favorite colors are frequently the inspiration for how you beautify your home, what you wear, what you drive, and even what foods you find most appealing.

In branding, marketing, and web design, color selection is important. In fact, up to 85% of people’s purchasing decisions can be attributed to color. Within just 90 seconds, color has the ability to enhance or decrease brand trust, boost or diminish customer loyalty, and shape 90% of a customer’s view of a brand.

Therefore it should come as no surprise that your web design company will ask about your choices for website color as soon as you decide to carry out a comprehensive either your first website or a revamp of an outdated one.

What Is Color psychology

Read through our suggestions for making wise web design decisions including website color schemes  based on the psychology of color.

Consider the meanings associated with each color

You may already be aware of the significance attached to the most common colors. When you need to de-stress, you might be attracted to the color blue, whereas the color orange might not seem proper for official business documents.

Some of these qualities can help to explain why some colors are more preferred in particular sectors of the economy. For instance, banks frequently use the color blue, while trying to date service brands are advised to use the color red.

While reading articles about stress relief on a website that is bright yellow, a customer might get the impression that something is off, even if they are unable to articulate it.

Take into account these typical connotations that various colors have. Which ones have you already picked up on?

Read: Comprehensive Handbook of Website Design



Using Blue Blue on a food-related website might turn off visitors because it naturally stifles appetite. Many people believe that this is because there aren’t many common foods that are blue.

However, outside the food industry, both men and women prefer the color blue more than any other. Because so many people are drawn to it innately, companies frequently use this color to reassure or instill trust.


Although yellow is cheerful and playful, you must keep in mind that it’s also used for signs.

When it is used sparingly, this energizing color can increase visitors’ excitement while, when employed in greater quantities, it quickly becomes abrasive and overpowering. Yellow can be used as an accessory to draw attention to a particular call to action.


Green has such significant connections with the natural world and being eco-friendly that the color itself can suggest an organization’s ethics.

Green is also becoming more and more common because it combines the calming effects of blue with the energizing qualities of yellow.

This is a choice that is becoming more and more well-liked across a range of industries because it is also frequently associated with money and growth.


Although orange is the new black and red, it can be difficult to work with. Even though it’s a kid favorite, most adults have a love/hate relationship with it. So it’s important to smartly incorporate it into your website if it’s intended for adult customers.

Orange can play a significant role in defining your brand’s personality and motivating website visitors to take action because it is closely connected to energy, excitement, optimism, and warmth.

The Color Wheel


The significance of the color white in web design may be better understood if you’ve ever heard the term “white space.” The freedom that white conveys gives your site visitors the visual space to breathe they need to take in the information you are presenting.

But white also has a significant disadvantage: It can be hard on the eyes and appear chilly, stark, or unappealing when true white (#ffff) is combined with true black (#000000).

Utilization of an off-white, such as ivory, which has the same advantages as white but a relatively warm tone that is more reassuring, is an insightful solution.


Black is undoubtedly one of the most popular colors, but you should use caution when using it because of its many contradictory connotations.

For instance, it is formal and also conventional; edgy but also corporate. Black can provide a grounding impact when used sparsely, but when utilized excessively, it can easily take over your entire design.

The good news is that black and white both have a wide range of tones, making it possible to achieve the same effects with less disadvantage by using darker undertones and softer tints.


Red can represent power, aggression, or even anger, but it is typically linked to romance, passion, and drama. It is advised to take it in moderation as a result.

Many web designers contend that it’s the best option for buttons as well as other calls to action because it so strongly encourages action.

Don’t feel like this is your only option because research doesn’t always back up this assertion. In a prior blog post, we went into great detail about our strategy for creating convincing calls to action.


Pink is frequently used to denote femininity and softness and has significant connections with gender. Lighter shades can make it appear delicate and frail, like a flower, while darker shades can make it appear euphoric or voluble.

Pink also represents love, but it does so with a softer, more private kind of love as opposed to the fiery passion we relate with red. Both confectionery and baby products benefit from this soft texture.

Read: Benefits of UX design for your business


Similar to orange, purple can engender strong feelings of either attraction or repulsion in customers. Purple has a regal air of luxury because it combines the strength of red with the steadiness of blue.

Purple can also represent wisdom, creativity, and mystery. It’s not suggested for every industry, but for a few, it might be the best option.


The least used color in web design is brown. It is disliked by both men and women, and it can be challenging to combine it harmoniously with other hues.

Dependability and toughness are its favorable connotations, but it tends to take a keen eye for design to keep it from having to look drab and dark.

Blush, a very particular shade of nude pink that borders on beige, has grown in popularity as a contemporary substitute for both pink and brown over the past few years.

Businesses that cater to women, particularly women in their 20s and 30s, frequently use blush as an indifferent with more feminine undercurrents in place of tan or beige.

Consider which colors are recommended for your industry

While it’s unlikely that your company’s goal is to totally mix in with the competition, there are some colors that are just better suited to certain industry sectors (and other colors that can send your users running away). Be it web design services for small business or big, these work everytime.

Blue: Health, science, utilities, the government, the healthcare industry, employment, law, information technology, and businesses.

Green: Industries include those in healthcare, science, government, employment, ecotourism, and human resources.

Black: Mostly appropriate in the following industries: building, business, finance, oil, cosmetics, mining, fashion, and trades.

Grey: These colors are appropriate for the following industries like automotive, journalism, sportswear, technology.

Red: These for fashion, makeup, food, dating, video games, retail, automotive, hardware, video streaming.

Color Psychology Cheat Sheet

Orange: Orange goes well for industries like drinks, retail, fitness.

Yellow: Coming to yellow, it is perfect for automotive, retail, food, technology, construction industries.

Pink: Pink suits Medical (pediatrics, OB/GYN), food, cosmetics, retail industries.

Target Customers and their preferences should be given first priority

Are you aware that there have been fairly extensive studies done on this very topic by experts of winning web design services for small business and big corporations?

Step one also included a little information about color preferences all over genders. It goes beyond the simple statement that “men don’t like purple” Genuinely, there’s a tonne of fascinating data on gender and color preferences:

The most popular color in the world is blue, which is cited as such by 57% of men and 35% of women.

Blue (57%) green (14%), black (9%), and red (7%) are the preferred hues of men. Orange, yellow, brown, grey, or white were only mentioned as favorites by less than 5% of men, and neither orange nor purple were mentioned.

The top five colors preferred by women are blue (35%) followed by purple (23%), green (14%), red (9%), and black (6%). Orange, yellow, brown, grey, or white were only mentioned as favorites by less than 5% of women.

In the end, two websites with blue and white as their primary colors may appear and behave entirely differently.

Color psychology involves more than just choosing the one color you want to use to represent your brand; it also takes into account things like color schemes, white space, and the strategically placed use of specific colors, which can create a wide range of variations even with the use of just one main color.

Every website should, in the opinion of many web designers, have a background color, a base color, and an accent color.

The 60-30-10 rule, which states to use one color 60% of the time (as the dominant), some other 30% of the time (as a secondary), and the third 10% of the time, is yet another popular recommendation.

A Few Things to Take Heed Of!

It is obvious that color psychology involves more than just gravitating toward your personal favorite colors. As you proceed to market to your potential customers, it can be helpful even just to use color psychology to better comprehend them.

If you’re feeling daunted by the variety of choices, keep the following in mind:

Remember that each person’s perception of color is unique. Although there are general trends in how people perceive color, so much of it is influenced by individual experiences.

The mere fact that statistics suggest one set of colors for your target audience does not imply that this is the best option.

Eventually, not everything comes down to the particular colors you pick. While different populations have preferred colors and colors do have different meanings, the most crucial aspect is how a user associates a color with your brand.

Customers may be turned off by your color choice just as much as by their least favorite hues if it makes them feel completely unrelated to your brand.


Color is powerful.  It affects people’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. Your brand will be strengthened, sales will increase, and visitors will even be directed to particular web pages or calls to action. Check out this article to learn how to use color psychology for website design.


Comprehensive Handbook For A Kickass Website Design!

Designing a good website can be challenging and difficult. Even though there may be just a few thousand mainly good websites among the billions of websites in existence.


People frequently use the internet to shop, order takeout, browse the websites of their universities, read articles from various websites, and perform a variety of other tasks. A user’s day can be ruined by a poorly designed website.


Change must occur now. This article is perfect for you if you are planning to create a website or if you currently have one but want to update it or if you’re looking for a website design & development company to help you.

website design importance

Simple Navigation

This is one of the most crucial elements or principles that you need to remember and apply when creating a website.


  • The navigation bar should have the fewest possible options.
  • Reduce the number of drop-down menu choices
  • Use the user’s dialect or real-world conventions to name the options. Avoid using jargon.
  • Avoid making too many website clicks.


Responsive Design

Let’s start with the fundamentals. The term “responsive design” refers to the process of creating a website or web page that works well on all mobile devices, desktop computers, laptops, and other displays, regardless of their aspect ratios.


The height and width of a display device are its shape factor. Presently, every user desires a mobile-friendly website. The website must be designed for smaller screens in addition to larger ones, which is the designer’s responsibility.


•    Improve the pictures

•    Make sure buttons are simple to press on smaller screens.

•    Make a number of prototypes

•    Take a look at a mobile-first design strategy.

Website Purpose-Website design company

User-friendly UI

The user’s interaction with the system using a user interface. It acts as a conduit between both the user and the system. The user will want to devote more time using it if the UI/UX (User Interface) is decent.


The task of the designer is to consider making the UI appear modern and concise. Here are some pointers for creating a good user interface that most winning website design and development company suggest are:


•    Maintain a simple user interface

•    Put the page layout to good use.

•    Standardized fonts and color

•    Subtract unrelated information

•    Avert endless information scrolling


Performance To Show Something

The website should perform as smoothly as butter, not slowly as a sloth (that’s a bad example). If a website’s performance is just too slow, it will have a negative effect on the website’s business.


Additionally, users may stop visiting the website. Be wise in your decisions. Pick one of the many website testing tools available and check the performance of your website.


Instead of upgrading your website without first determining the source of the issue, take this first step. Try one of those tools; they identify the issue and reveal which page, section, or other component is performing slowly. the solution to that particular issue.


Later on, things might make more sense. Below are some suggestions from best web design service experts for improving your site performance:


●    Compress your files

●    Optimize your images

●    Avoid using many images: use text instead

●    Reduce HTTP requests


Identical color scheme (Consistency)

Color is essential in establishing knowledge hierarchy through websites. Users need to be able to quickly search pages and discern their contents. One of the most difficult tasks on the planet is maintaining consistency in the color scheme.

color psycology in web design

Occasionally, the color we prefer may not be the same color that others prefer. Colors frequently have to be traded off. Make sure other people like the color you choose.


Maintaining consistency is essential in this situation because different colors might work well with different texts and others might not.


Start a survey, test it, and keep going until you get positive user feedback. Additionally, your website’s color scheme needs to be constant.


•    Among the advice are:

•    Avoid using extremely dark or bright colors on your website.

•    Where appropriate, italicize the crucial details.

•    Use the proper color combination, please.

•    As few colors as possible should be used.


Information on progress

Feedback is a comment made regarding a task, procedure, or event following completion or during the completion stage. Understand what is happening on the website or system in this case.


Take the scenario where you are utilizing a website to conduct some online transactions and you are at a juncture where you are unaware of what is happening in the system.


Unexpectedly, a message stating that the transaction failed appears. You are uninformed at this point.


It might have been preferable if the website had given the proper feedback regarding the total transaction failure or the error that led to it, such as problems with your internet connection, a bank account’s funds limit, or even a minor technical fault.


In fact, the very first usefulness thought experiment of user-interface design, critique about advancement, is a crucial element of design.


Attempt to reduce 404 or 500 errors.

If you’ve already started designing a website or are about to start, try to finish it by adding all the pages, characteristics, and capabilities.

404 page - website design company India

Websites shouldn’t have broken links and images, unfinished capabilities, and other issues. There shouldn’t be any 404 or 500 errors on the website, in particular. If any links are accidentally broken, try to create a good 404 error page.


Even though they see a 404 error page, a user should still be happy because this situation is unique. Clearly, you don’t need to fret about it when your website seems to be almost perfect.


Wrapping Up!

The eight rules or  guidelines for effective website design are listed above. These guidelines are what top website design and development companies follow and these are sure shot going to make life simple for you to create functional and user-friendly websites.


Without these foundational elements, creating an effective and user-friendly website would undoubtedly be challenging.


Just bear in mind that in the real world, a website with user – friendly interfaces and user-friendliness will always accomplish.



Looking for a comprehensive handbook that will help you with the foundations of great website design? Well, everything is mentioned here. Continue reading to learn more!


Web Design, Web Development, UI & UX: Difference & Requirements Explained!

Website redesign What distinguishes web design from web development? And how do UI and UX compare? What does each division represent? Why are acronyms so prevalent? Techies want everyone to be user-friendly, right?

The nomenclature of the technology sector can feel similar to having to listen to a different tongue if you’re unfamiliar with getting a site made, but most foreign languages have rhyming patterns and reason.

However, every company should work with a web expert at some point; if you want a web presence, you might need a translator.

That is the purpose of this article. The four most frequently used confusing terms in tech today—UI vs UX design, web design, and web development—are explained and broken down in this article if you’re obtaining your first website design or simply want to comprehend the sector better.

You will understand not just what each field entails after having read this, and also which one your company should concentrate on the most.

Before we continue, let’s clear up any confusion you may have by providing some context and basic definitions:

Web design is a broad term that includes everything that has to do with creating a website’s aesthetics and functionality. Web design services encompass many different disciplines, including UI and UX design.

website design and development company

The technical portion of creating a website that focuses on code is called web development. Front-end and back-end web development are further separated, as will be described below.

The limits that individuals use to interact with a website or app, such as button showcases and gesture controls, are referred to as the user interface (UI).

User Experience (UX) is another area of expertise in web design that focuses on how users behave and feel while using a website or mobile application. Many other regions are included in UX design, but they are seen from the user’s point of view.

As you can see, there is a tonne of crossover and none of these regions are just. UI design impacts UX design, and web development supports them all.

Web design and development are just two aspects of the same coin. It’s more important to understand how each field approaches the same task from a different perspective rather than which pastures manage which tasks.

Consider loading times, which are a common issue for all websites. How do the loading times for each field differ?

Web design: 
If a page loads slowly, it probably has too much or too complicated content. Image files may be compressed, assets may be modified and re-exported, and pages may be edited to remove extraneous material.

Web development:
To depend on making load faster, we can use CSS sprites to save bandwidth, better file compression to decrease the file sizes of the subject matter, or a content delivery network to accelerate page load time in particular geographic areas.

Controls must respond as quickly as possible, so the interface must be straightforward enough to allow for immediate interactive elements.


Before attempting to address the issue site-wide, we should prioritize lowering the load time on the home and landing pages. Every second of loading time increases the chance that a user will “bounce,” or end up leaving your site after only a few seconds.

To ensure that your website is being reviewed by a professional web design service from all perspectives, in an ideal world you would hire a specialist or a group of experts for each of these fields.

Budgetary restrictions, however, frequently force individuals to select one field over another or hire independent contractors on a project-by-project basis.

front end vs back end

Two Main Categories For Web Development:

Front-end (also known as client-side): The code used to display an app or a website on a screen. Utilizing computer languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the front-end developer is responsible for making the web designer’s vision a reality.

Innately, not everything that the designer had in mind could be accomplished, so the front-end developer and the creative director frequently exchange ideas.

Back-end (also known as server-side): The “front-end” accesses a server-hosted digital system of resources. The back-end developer is in charge of managing these background resources, coding the data in the database, and streamlining the delivery of that data. Languages like PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, or.Net are employed.

An individual who is capable of both front-end and back-end development is known as a full-stack developer.

For startup companies that can’t really afford over one hire, they can occasionally be a wise choice, but in an ideal world, you need a whole group of developers with a variety of specialties who are well informed of modern website designs.

User Interface

We can now start debating the more specialized fields, beginning with user interface design, after defining web design and development.

Everyone uses user interfaces (UIs) without giving them much thought; for instance, you do not need to be aware of the origins of the hamburger icon to understand that the button with three lines represents your menu.

And if their tasks are carried out well, you should just not notice them, which is a guiding principle in the majority of web fields of design.

The user doesn’t need to think about using a functionality that is truly straightforward, which is most common in UI design.

UI vs UX

User Experience

From the user’s point of view, UX is similar to the field of website design in several ways. How does the design of a web page impact the user?

What impact does the UI have on the user? UX becomes much more systematic as you progress, such as “how do we create a page that makes the user want to sign up?”

User interface (UX) UX shares many similarities with website design from the user’s perspective. What effects does a web page’s design have on the user? What effect does the user interface (UI) have?

As you advance, UX becomes more methodical, such as “how do we develop a page that makes the user want to sign up?”

That’s the exact reason why hiring a single UX specialist from an affordable web design company frees up the rest of the team from a number of other duties, which is how UX evolved into a distinct discipline.

What about Template sites?

The majority of the rules are followed by template sites with a few notable exceptions:

You will not have to worry as much about backend development if you use a template site.

UI options on template sites are typically constrained and fixed.

Verify that the developers have expertise with the platform where yours is hosted. Being proficient with WordPress does not imply proficiency with Squarespace.

Using a template site is equivalent to utilizing any other site, with those few exceptions. Choose your designers based on your top priorities.



Wondering what distinguishes web design from web development? And how do UI and UX compare? And a lot many questions that you might have are all answered in this piece. To know more, read on!


How To Redesign Website Without Losing Rankings

Design trends are constantly changing and if you are trying to stay competitive in your industry, you’ll eventually need to redesign your website.

For most sites, it’s best to overhaul your entire website every few years rather than “Frankenstein” something together with small revisions here and there.

But there’s often hesitation about opting for the redesign, stemming from the question: will my site lose its SEO keyword rankings in the process?

How to Preserve Website’s SEO Rankings During a Redesign:

Maintain The Website URL Structure

When redesigning a website, it’s best to retain all existing website URLs, especially on pages that are ranking organically. Retaining the URL structure means that the web design team will upgrade the design and content of the page, but the website address (URL) will stay the same.

Changing the website address of a page for no reason isn’t ideal for users nor search engines. If you’ve spent time building up links and rankings for that page, changing the URL runs the risk of losing the SEO value of that page.

Be Careful With 301 Redirects

At some point in the lifetime of your site, you’ll need to delete a page or change its address. When you do this, it’s critical that you set up a proper 301 redirect. Redirection means that you are permanently redirecting the original URL to another live page on your website.

If you don’t set up these redirects properly, both visitors and search engines will receive a 404 error, stating that the page cannot be found.

Having a lot of 404 errors on your website will negatively impact both your SEO keyword rankings and the user experience. If a search engine hits a 404 error while it’s crawling a site, it stops the crawler from continuing to index other pages. This can then cause indexing errors across the site.

Improve Your Web Content

A site redesign often leads to reviewing and improving the content — and rightly so! Most businesses forget to check Google ranking update outside of a web project.

If that’s been the case for you, your site probably contains outdated descriptions of your services and products. However, keep in mind that the content on the page needs to contain certain cues for the search engines.

If you have pages with proper SEO ranking factors for a specific keyword, avoid drastically changing the content or deleting a lot of critical headlines. The H1 and H2 tags on a web page are the most important headings for on-page SEO.

An H1 is an HTML tag that indicates the heading of the web page. You most likely want to retain the H1 and H2 for high-ranking pages.

Get Assistance With The Website Launch

Launching a new business website requires several technical steps and if you don’t know what you are doing, you could mistakenly cause downtime or dreaded errors. These errors, in turn, can cause major SEO problems.

Typically, it’s best for a skilled web developer from a renowned web development agency to handle the launch and to guide you through the process.

Closely Monitor The Site Post-Launch

For the first couple of months after launching a redesign, it’s all about monitoring. There are some website issues that are very difficult to detect before launch, even with the best quality control process.

The first place to start is Google Search Console, a free service that automatically detects indexing errors, mobile functionality errors, and crawl errors for your site.

Since Google ranking update most important, fixing errors related to Google’s indexing is paramount.

By following a few best practices for SEO, web design and development company, you can retain your rankings and benefit from a new site.

Have queries? Feel free to get in touch with us!


The best way to keep your site in the game is to keep your rankings up and boost your domain authority.