Angular and Angular JS are popular frameworks for building dynamic applications. Although both frameworks sound quite similar, they are not the same. Angular and Angular JS have different features, capabilities, and architecture. Do you want to choose the right fit between Angular and Angular JS? Keep reading the blog post to learn their key features and the differences that set them apart.
Angular VS. Angular JS
What is Angular JS?
Angular is a JavaScript-based framework developed by Google in 2010. Angular JS is an open-source framework that was one of the first to build Single-Page Applications (SPAs). Angular JS is adapting to new trends and becoming a better version of itself. Features like dependency injection and two-way data binding improve the code. Angular JS now uses dynamic HTML instead of static HTML. Angular JS uses MVC architecture, which allows logic to be seamlessly separated from the user interface. It uses directives to augment HTML attributes. This feature ensures smooth data binding with the UI.
What are The Features of Angular JS?
Two-Way Data Binding
Angular JS allows seamless synchronization between the view and model. It reduces the need for repetitive code structures.
MVC Architecture
Angular JS uses MVC architectures, which allow more efficient coding. It provides a fulfilling experience while developing codes to create dynamic applications.
Developers extend HTML using custom attributes and tags with the help of directives. Specialized HTML tags provide advanced functions. It also streamlines the efforts to design reusable components.
Dependency Injection
The dependency injection allows better management of various components. It enhances the code modularity and testing.
The routing feature in Angular JS allows users to explore different parts of an application or website without interruptions. It keeps users engaged and helps build an impressive experience.
Read more: What are the Advantages of AngularJS Web Development?
What is Angular?
Angular is another open-source framework by Google that was released in 2016. It’s pretty popular among developers for various reasons, including being free. Unlike Angular JS, Angular is based on TyperScript. Here, we should say one thing: The TyperScript language has all the capacity that Java Script has. But we must also say that Angular brings some advanced features. Angular follows a component-based architecture and is mainly used for large-scale projects. It suits front-end development needs. Google continues to update Angular. Each version introduces new features and meets modern web development needs. One thing we must say is that the latest and new Angular versions come with new features. The new version has become more efficient since the shift of core features into the new modules.
Component-Based Architecture
Angular allows the use of reusable components and helps the safe and better organization of codes.
Typer Script is one of the finest supersets of the JavaScript language. That’s why TypeScript shares the same quality with JavaScipt. It even possesses more advanced features and functionalities compared to JavaScript. Writing TyperScript is more advantageous because it is less inclined to errors and delays.
One-Way Data Binding
The one-way data binding feature in Angular reduces unnecessary updates. It syncs the view only when the model is modified.
Angular CLI
Angular CLI improves development efficiency. It speeds up the development cycle and enhances the deployment. It’s a skill many Angular development companies look for.
Dependency Injection
Angular provides a DI system that allows better management of components and services.
Cross Platform Development
Angular supports progressive web apps and mobile and desktop applications. From enhanced cross-platform performance to improved user interface, Angular apps are stunning on various platforms.
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Final Thoughts: Choosing Between Angular and Angular JS
In conclusion, based on project requirements, you should choose between Angular and Angular JS. For simple and less complex projects, Angular JS is an ideal option. It even suits the need for a legacy application. On the other hand, Angular is a good modern and large-scale application option. Due to the component architecture and typescript foundation, you can use Angular Development to meet all contemporary web development needs.